Personalised Audios

Make your dreams a reality with bespoke guided relaxations for stress relief, manifestations or goal visualisations.

What if you could make your dreams come true? Just by being reminded of them. The more we focus on the positive aspects of our lives and what brings us joy, the more life starts to change.

I'll weave you a personalised story of words, ideas and places you've chosen. This will guide you through relaxation, peace and calm. Alternatively, I help you find the words to express exactly how you would like your future to look. Completely bespoke, all you have to do is listen to the file as you're going to sleep, as often as you like. Solutions will flow to you...

Includes: 1.5 hour 1:1 session to establish content and how the download will work best for you. Audio file to keep – up to 30 minutes

Prices start from £140(Online) or £150 (in-person)

Recommended for:
  • Better quality sleep
  • Something lovely to listen to as you're drifting off
  • A unique way to accomplish your goals and manifest what you want in life.

Start tuning into what you want from life and get in touch or book a free Knowing U call or to find out more.