
Little Peaces

This is a blog about things that are calming, positive, fun or all of these!
Each post will be different, and perhaps unconventional, reflecting my values and those of my work. Let’s call it a pick ‘n’ mix without the calories. (Flashback to the Woolworths days anyone?)

Q is for Quartz, Quiet time & Quizzes

The letter Q has quite the quilt of everyday and slightly mysterious offerings. It’s a chance to step out of your comfort zone or be reminded of what can (and will) work for you on a regular basis.

What to try: Quartz


I believe crystals have healing powers. Quartz is one of the most impressive varieties, occurring in many shapes and colours. It’s a good one for balancing energy and finding calm. You can wear it in jewellery, place in the palm of your hand for meditation or under a pillow to aid sleep.

What to allow yourself: Quiet time


I cannot recommend this enough. Whether it’s during moments of stress or while you're on holiday, quiet time is essential for processing emotions and life events. Be it good or bad. Inner quiet (meditation perhaps) or a physical silent space. Maybe even a mixture of both. Even if you’re a really busy person, scheduling just 5 minutes of calm will make such a difference.

What to enjoy: Quizzes


The great thing about quizzes is they keep our brains active and focused. We can watch them on TV or form teams in local venues. There’s many varieties, so something for everyone. Sometimes prizes are up for grabs too!

What quality words:


There’s nothing like a challenge or adventure to take us out of ourselves for a bit. They are also really fun.


The creative writer in me loves the idea of quill and ink. Those gorgeous feathers. The word conjures up countless scenes from period dramas and fantasy films.


Defined as ‘representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class’, this word can be a bit smug. It both sounds and looks good on the page.


I believe we should celebrate our individuality, the quirks that make us great people. We all have them.

I hope the letter Q quenches your thirst for positivity and calm in October.

Sunday 13th October, 11:00am

R is for Railway walks, Recommendations & Reminiscing

For a really common letter, R is rustling with a rich range of options. This month we can reflect on the past, relish the present and ready ourselves for the future. Or maybe you’ll just find this a relatable read.

What to try: Railway walks


Do you often spend large parts of a train journey staring out the window at the changing landscape? Me too! Depending on where you're travelling to or live, the tracks wind around some pretty breath-taking sights. Although we can't use the railway to reach some places anymore, the lines still exist. Walking is a much slower way to appreciate bygone journeys while observing our current surroundings. Next on my list is the, very much missed, route from Maidenhead to High Wycombe. So watch my social media posts later this Autumn.

What to make and take: Recommendations


I love overhearing folk saying "I've been listening to this amazing podcast about... and I know you'd enjoy it." When those people have checked it out themselves, there's a beautiful shared knowledge. Discussions around specific bits that stood out. I'm lucky enough to have recommendations for books, films, music and even restaurants coming from all directions. I've got to say it's hugely satisfying to be able to introduce new gems to my networks and clients too. I believe the more we share, the more we learn and it's a key way to keep a sense of youth.

What to experience: Reminiscing


Thinking back to pleasurable prior events and experiences can have a positive effect on mental health and wellbeing. This is particularly true of the elderly population. I remember my Granny's face lighting up whenever she spoke about growing up in Oxford. We can get lost in nostalgia (another lovely sounding bunch of letters), for a while, reliving and recollecting joyful times. Especially involving loved ones who may no longer be around. What made those moments so special? Are there elements that you can bring into the here and now? Smell is a powerful tool.

What rousing words:


The great thing here is the mixing of definitions in people. Shining, bright with joy, hope etc. It's a wonderful compliment to tell someone they are looking radiant!


Could easily be interpreted as fantastical, especially in film and TV. What a fab description: "the region, sphere, or domain within which anything occurs, prevails, or dominates."


This is quite a mysterious word, difficult to pin down in meaning because it's obscure and little known. Ha! Don't you just love it when an explanation mirrors the term?


Fresh air and a change of scenery are two common ways to restore us to a previous state or make us feel new.

I hope the letter R leaves you feeling refreshed in September.

Friday 13th September, 12:27pm

S is for Salsa, Sandcastles & Sleep Token

The letter S was swarming with a silly amount of options, in a good way. Here is this month’s selection. Perhaps you’ll start with one and segue into another :-)

What to try: Salsa dancing (and/or Samba while you're there.)


The dancing world is full of arrangements beginning with 's' - salsa, samba, street, swing... We could even include the sashay as this can look and feel like a dance. As expected, there are absolutely loads of tutorials and routines available online, and the steps are fairly straightforward (even if you are rather uncoordinated like me.) If you're feeling brave, you can also try out a class in-person. Just the music when it comes to Salsa, can bring us joy. Samba includes moves such as 'double bounce' which both sounds and looks really fun!

What to create: Sandcastles


For adults and children alike, a perfect activity in the summer. These get interesting when it rains too, (if not much more difficult to build!) It's not just about castles and you can get really creative with it. I'll never forget resurrecting the Titanic in sand with my Dad as a child. Now that play areas are popping up in town centres, you don't even have to go to a beach to give this a go. Although it's much more fun if you do.

What to listen to: Sleep Token


A bit unusual, this one, but bear with me. Sleep Token are a metal band with a difference. They blend electronic and industrial elements, even orchestral! Plus they are British. The lyrics aren't hugely positive but I've found they don't necessarily need to be. The music still manages to feel upbeat, thought-provoking and surprisingly relaxing.

What shiny words:


It sounds good and it's good for our health - enough said!


Another with a few definitions. My favourite is 'the power to excite interest.' It's a lovely mindful word. Very close in spelling to saviour. Coincidence? I think not.


This calming, peaceful state is exactly what we strive for. Perhaps not all day, although wouldn't that be lovely, but certainly on a daily basis.


Meaning "extremely attractive or stylish; flashy; fancy," I've possibly used the word 'jazzy' quite often when this is what I really meant. It's a quirky little positive word that I encourage everyone to use more often!

I hope the letter S sparks something for you in August.

Tuesday 13th August, 10:00am

T is for Tea, Trampolines & Trees

There is much to choose from in T-land. Not that I’m surprised. I’m sure this letter finds something for everyone. I wouldn’t suggest doing all of them at once though, as it could get a bit messy. :-)

What to settle down with: Tea


Whether it’s a herbal infusion or builders’ tea, there’s something very comforting about this brewed liquid. Perhaps it’s the way we can wrap our hands around a mug, the scent as we breathe it in, the mixture of flavours on our tongue. It might even be the sound of the kettle boiling, ready to pour. It’s probably not the visual representation, (although I have worked in a place where paint charts dictated colour preference of English Breakfast tea.) I’ll happily be proved wrong though.

What to try: Trampolining


Ever feel like channelling your inner Tigger? I loved a bouncy castle as a child (and still do if I’m honest.) It’s such a freeing feeling of weightlessness. A great use for any excess adrenaline we might have lingering around. They even have trampoline parks now. And you can exercise on them! Please be very cautious if you suffer with dizziness or high blood pressure though and consult your doctor if in doubt.

What to appreciate: Trees


Ancient and majestic, these beautiful creatures come in all manner of shapes and sizes, and provide us with so much goodness. Simply sitting by, walking amongst or hugging them can have a profound effect on our wellbeing. There’s no doubt they have an energy. Do you have a favourite near you?

What wonderful words:


I love this dictionary definition, which speaks for itself "a sudden wave of keen emotion or excitement, as to produce a tremor or tingling sensation through the body."


To me, if you’re thriving, that is your best self.


Such a silly word about something even sillier. Whether it’s touching someone who is ticklish (under arms and around feet are common areas) or feeling a laugh coming on, it’s a fun experience to be a part of.


Defined as "peaceful; quiet; calm." This is a feeling we generally strive towards.

I hope the letter T helps you to become playfully investigative in July.

Saturday 13th July, 12:00pm

U is for...Up, Uplit & Utensil art

Another letter that’s also a word, U has lots to offer in terms of calm and positivity. It has earned its prominent place in the name of my business, with self-care at the heart.

What to watch: Up


Released in 2009, this is one of many Pixar gems. To me, it's a story of unexpected friendships, teamwork, living out lifelong dreams and so much more. It will probably make you laugh, cry and jump for joy. Maybe even all at the same time. The characters are as rich as the colours. And to use the words of Winnie the Pooh, "Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon."

What to read: Up-lit


A lovely trend, more so recently, 'Uplifting Literature' contains themes of kindness, compassion, optimism and community. You can find recommendations on Goodreads. Examples include The Lady in the Van, Bridget Jones’s Diary and The Dalai Lama's Cat.

What to try: Utensil art


This one is about embracing your inner child and running with it. What interesting shaped utensils do you have lying around your kitchen? What will you create? I've given some much needed colour to the grey instruments I found, (see above.)

What wonderful words:


It's a fancy and quite mysterious word for 'without knowledge of'. In such an uncertain world, this could be exciting.


Who doesn't love a unicorn, or the idea of one? This beautiful, magical creature brings so much joy to children and adults alike.


We all have special gifts, skills and talents that make us different from each other in tiny, and huge ways. I love to celebrate individuality - whether it be that of my clients, family and friends or my own.


Such an incredibly 'big picture' we'll never be able to wrap our minds around it...but how very fascinating!

I hope the letter U is a positively calm influence on your life in June.

Thursday 13th June, 8:56pm
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