1:1 Treatments

Golden Hour

Let us see what kind of magic we can achieve in an hour where we address your most pressing wellbeing needs.

Find out more about Golden Hour


You already have everything in your unique toolkit of inner resources to break down barriers. It's time to shine a light on them.

Personalised solution focused support for stress, anxiety and uncomfortable situations. Methods include hypnotherapy, self-care coaching and writing for wellbeing.

Find out more about the 'Glow in the dark' Starter Pack Offer

Mind Massage

Lie down, relax and find peace. Enjoy guided relaxation sessions with mindful visualisations and tranquil imagery.

Find out more about guided relaxation sessions

Personalised Audio Downloads

Make your dreams a reality with bespoke guided relaxations for stress relief, manifestations or goal visualisations.

Find out more about personalised audios